Friday, December 31, 2010


So that's it, 31 December, another year almost expired, and there you have, a brand new one to consume. An immaculate shining one ready to unpack. Consume it without moderation. Lot's of joy and my best wishes for everybody!

Happy New Year!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Bonne Année!
¡Bon Any Nou!

And there you have for the fun my little New Year Ecard for you.


PS: And for those 'styled' 'topàlamode' people over there, you can also watch it direct on iphone.

PS2: The first one that talk me again about standards on the web will have my foot on his/her ass (ho ho hoooo) :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Avenging Santa

Not everyone has been a good person this year...
let's change the deal

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Extremely beautiful animation

Picked out from the blog , an amazing blog regularly updated with great animations from over the world.

(retweeting wouldn't be enought,let's reblog)

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

Thought of You - Behind the Scenes Preview - ROUGH CUT from Cambell Christensen on Vimeo.