'The Songkran festival (Thai: สงกรานต์, from Sanskrit saṃkrānti,[1] "astrological passage") is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia.'
So last week, joining millions of people exoding Bangkok to meet their respective families all around Thailand, we went ourself to the center east of Thailand, Kunhan. Where Tai family lives. For being more precise geographically...
somewhere in the middle of nowhere. :)
It was just a great week, seeing again known people, meeting new ones, having good rest (ríete de Nevà), wonderful meals and fresh drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic ones). And even freelancing from laptop+mobile. Experience that, in places like this, where soil roads replace bitumen ones sometimes, always make me think that my chosen path wasn't so wrong ... finally :)
There we celebrate Songkran Festival, the water festival. Where people throw you water and powders while passing by the street near them. Very funny.
But as risking the camera was out of the question (sometimes is not just some innocent drops :) ) couldn't have photos of the event. So there's some doodles from the week.
Based on a true event:

Beware of cute little children!
The 'funny' thing is that water came from a barrel with ice cubes on it. Some quite refreshing!
Yes, I admit having spit a good spanish curse and some F... words :) It's just a reflex, désolé.

Same day with friends, when the drinking make the language barrier gladly blur :)

And a failed revenge

running+sandals+slippery ground aren't a good combination. A third of the water can almost get the target, the other 2/3 were just ... collateral damages. He he
Nothing broke luckily.
And that's all. Promise bringing a waterproof camera for the next time :)
Como se nota que te la pasas sufriendo por el país de tu dulcinea.
Espero que el mega concurso de camisas mojadas (toda pinche Tailandia, participa, o qué pedo?) no te haya dejado muy maltrecho.
Por aquí todo sigue igual (muy muy bien) Paris comienza a ser habitable (en fin le soleil!!) y en México también, la gente muy contenta, riéndose de sus desgracias como solo los mexicanos sabemos hacerlo.
Sale buey, un abrazo muy grande.
PD. Resulta que tengo un primo que está estudiando monitos, qué es monero pues, igualito que tu y me gustaría enseñarle tu blog, puedo?
Pués sí, toda pinche Tailandia entra en el jueguito del agua. Pero tranquilamente. Vamos, que no es en plan poner un pie en la calle y acabar empapao. Muy buen ambiente. Como siempre...
Amazing Thailand :)
Pues me alegro por el solecillo por los Parises. Así se les olvida lo de 'faire la gueule' por un rato, que ya va bien. A aprovechar, que ya he visto tus flamencas ya han sacado los trajes de Abril. ¡Guapas!
Un abrazo y a cuidarse.
PS: Por lo de tu primo, el de los monitos. ¡A HUEEEEVOOOOO! Pasale el blog. Y si tiene alguna página me envías su link.
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