Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Illustrations on fmixlab (not even an alpha version)

As if I hadn't enough things to do...
There's a project long wanted to start.

On the geeky/programmer side was the learning on how to do a site easy to update, with an admin PHP section, a mobile version of the site, plus testing a non flash approach of the web, finally is just a change of technology (yes, the html5 shining world and all the bla bla bla...). On the illustration side, well, still dreaming on trying to do something with all my doodling/drawing/illustration :) .

A new illustration section (some quite standalone web by itself) for my site.

Go and see by yourself

Now it will be just time to fill it a little with better stuff...

(And yes, you can add comments to the images or other 'troglodyte' messages.)

Some screen shots:

and the mobile version

PS: Of course there's plenty of room for changes on script side or design but well, better have it online :)

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