So that's it, 31 December, another year almost expired, and there you have, a brand new one to consume. An immaculate shining one ready to unpack. Consume it without moderation. Lot's of joy and my best wishes for everybody!
Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Bonne Année! ¡Bon Any Nou!
So yes, finally have my hair cut, my once in three months moment. A tremendous idea to do when the freezing winter almost here. Fuck yeah! Luckily the haircut finished with a shampooing and massaging session, yes, you know the little 'à la mode' thing, something that could have been like this
but was more of an awkward 'when does it finish gonna break my glasses' situation. In an empty haircut saloon and with a rhythm&blues Beyoncé (or one of the kind) for the sexy background song. Uncomfortably nice.
so yes, in a crazy expending attack i have got the last Blacksad (4th of the serie if i'm not wrong) and well that was a fair adquisition. Just another masterpiece. Good detective story, amazing ambiance/characters and incredible artwork. Don't hesitate.
So there it is, after an empty october month (ffffsssshhhhhh) and some days delay, november wallpaper is here. And yes, for the non gringos (as me), there's more than halloween in november, yeah, but... what the hell, pumpkins are fun and ... was not very inspired lately :)
So there we are, almost... on the road again... snif... ready to other adventures and much more...
time to say bye bye to our 42 inches of daily brainwashing... snif... our flat door to so much better american tv series than our local tdt... snif... bye then... we salute you and wish you will fulfil your next owner with happiness Aaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
Analiticoman: Thanks again for your help bringing the TV down the 4 floors :)
Have done a little clean up for my upcoming depart. First to leave, some woooonderful books of my beloved :) Wish someone will enjoy them on the library.
"OooOOooH! What a surprise, The Twilight Saga books!!" Jenny couldn't believe her eyes, her imagination filling with those sparkling in the sun vampires.
Yiijaah! Congratulations to my lovely Tai and her new driving license. Oh dear! RUN! Remembering how she 'prepare' her driving test, make me doubt about the seriousness of driving test in Thailand, he he he (quite a bit of n'importe quoi). :)
Coming back to Bangkok I have the opportunity to watch again 'Gran Torino'. An amazing film, with a seemingly simple story, a great storytelling, great direction, great characters and a hell of a great Clint Eastwood. As with Woody Allen, Clint Eastwood with his 80years (if I don't say wrong) stills bringing us the joys of good cinema. And I don't told for this last Gran Torino but for a very long list of great films in front or behind the camera.
For those who enjoy Clint Eastwood there's an interview from Inside the Actor's Studio.
Have to add a mention to Inside the Actor's Studio by James Lipton. It's a rare joy to find good interviews and a rarer thing to find really good interviewers. James Lipton is one of them. The right voice, the right tone, the respectful listening, the appropriate interventions, the questions,... Just great work. Enjoy :) (Johnny Depp, unleashed Robbin Williams and a lot more)
And there's my attempt to draw Clint ha ha (sorry man)
And yet, again, here we are, back in Thailand. Drawing/Working Desktop operative: checked Jetlag: Dealing with Internet connection: checked (waiting for broadband) Thai food: checked checked and rechecked